Public Appearances

This page contains selected public appearances. The list does not contain lectures given in universities and polytechnical institutes.

2024, MayLUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland
Why a Sustainable and Green IT Company Is a Good Business?

2024, AprDrupalCamp Finland+Baltics, Helsinki, Finland
Headless vs. Traditional – Green IT View

2024, AprNordic Market Dialogue Event for Green Coding & Software, Helsinki, Finland
What is green coding?

2024, AprHaaga-Helia, Helsinki, Finland
Lecture: AI & Data: Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint

2024, MarEstonian Business School, Tallinn, Estonia
Lecture AI & Data: Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint on Data-Based Decision Making and Leadership microdegree

2024, MarKoodikötinät, Joensuu, Finland
Green code

2024, MarHaaga-Helia, Helsinki, Finland
Lecture: AI & Data: Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint

2024, JanHelsinkiJS, Helsinki, Finland
Combat Climate Change with Green Coding

2023, NovSDIA Green Coding Summit, Berlin, Germany
Keynote Debate: The way forward for Green Coding in Europe, panel attendee

2023, NovTeknologia 2023, Helsinki, Finland
AI and Data Energy Consumption

2023, NovTivia IT Insider, webinar
How to (Help to) Save Our Planet with Green Coding?

2023, OctAalto University Alumni Day, Espoo, Finland
Combat exploding IT emissions with green coding

2023, OctDrupalCon Europe, Lille, France
ICT Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Exploding – How Drupal Community Should Engage and Contribute Their Part

2023, OctOh the Humanity!, Helsinki, Finland
IT Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Exploding

2023, OctFuture Data Summit, Helsinki, Finland
Combat Climate Change with Green Code

2023, OctMindTrek, Tampere, Finland
How to (Help to) Save Our Planet with Green Coding

2023, SepWordCamp Finland, Tampere, Finland
ICT Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Exploding – How WordPress Community Should Engage and Contribute Their Part

2023, SepOpen UK: Open Technology for Sustainability Day, Edinburgh, Scotland
ICT Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Exploding – How OS Communities Should Engage and Contribute Their Part

2023, JunFuture Frontend, Helsinki, Finland
Green computing – Energy consumption and countermeasures in modern software

2023, MayProjektipäivät, Helsinki, Finland
Green coding

2023, AprDrupalCamp Finland, Helsinki, Finland
ICT Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Exploding - How Drupal Community Should Engage and Contribute Their Part

2023, FebSuunta 2023, Helsinki, Finland
Sustainability panel, attendee

2023, FebCode from Finland Webinar, Helsinki, Finland
Green coding

2022, NovECHA IT Days, Helsinki, Finland
Towards carbon neutral coding – and why it is important

2022, OctDrupalCamp Baltics, Tallinn, Estonia
Opening Keynote – Global Drupal Business Survey: Exclusive Learnings & Insights

2022, OctICT Procurement Forum, Helsinki, Finland
Towards carbon neutral coding – and why it is important

2022, SepDrupalCon, Prague, Czech Republic
Global Drupal Business Survey: Exclusive Learnings & Insights

2022, SepSytyke Huippuseminaari, Helsinki, Finland
Towards carbon neutral coding – and why it is important

2022, JulSuomi Areena, Pori, Finland
Towards carbon neutral software development, panel attendee

2022, AprBusiness Freekend, Pyhä, Finland
Towards carbon neutral coding – and why it is important

2021, OctDrupalCamp Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Drupal Business Survey 2021 – Analysis

2020, NovDrupalJam, Online
Digital Barnraising – Why Open Source Makes People Better

2019, OctDrupalCon, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Why Open Source Matters by Making People and Companies Better

2019, AugDrupalCamp Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Keynote: Virtual 'Talkoot' or bringing meaning to your life

2018, NovDrupalCamp Baltics, Tallinn, Estonia
Managing complexity and privacy debt with Drupal

2018, NovDrupalCamp Baltics, Tallinn, Estonia
GDPR for Developers (training)

2018, SepDrupal Europe, Darmstadt, Germany
GDPR for Open Technology Companies (training)
GDPR for Developers (training)

2018, MareZ Systems Webinar
GDPR Is Around the Corner - Don't Panic (webinar)

2017, OctDrupalCamp Baltics, Vilnius, Lithuania
Virtual Barnraising: How Open Source Makes People Better
You need to grow to stay alive

2017, SepDrupalCon Vienna Business Summit, Vienna, Austria
Collaboration through IT Associations - Is It Worth the Trouble?

2017, AugFinnish Commerce Federation member training, Helsinki, Finland
EU Privacy Regulation on Field of Trade - How to Move Forward

2017, JunExove Seminar, Helsinki, Finland
EU Privacy Laws and Start-Ups

2017, MayDrupalCamp Nordics, Helsinki, Finland
You need to grow to stay alive

2015, NoveZ Conference 2015, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Virtual Barnraising: How Open Source Makes People Better

2015, NovDrupalCamp Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Keynote: Open will always trump closed

2015, JunSaunacamp, Helsinki, Finland
Virtual 'Talkoot' or bringing meaning to your life

2015, AprICT Expo, Helsinki, Finland
Why open technologies will displace licensed products

2015, FebDrupalCamp London, London, the UK
Making meaning by contributing - or modern day Finnish 'talkoot' improving the quality of your life

2015, JanMonkiGras, London, the UK
Making meaning by contributing to improve the quality of your life

2014, OctDrupalCon, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Life in the Fast Lane - Achieving Sustainable Growth (chairman at a panel discussion)

2014, MayDrupalCamp Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
How to use Twig with Drupal 7

2014, MarDrupalCamp Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden Combining content, videos, and commerce; together with Laurent Chollat

2014, MarDrupalCamp Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden
Growing and managing Drupal organisations

2013, AugE-Commerce Seminar, Helsinki, Finland
How to Fit E-Commerce to Mobile Screens?

2013, MarICT Expo, Helsinki, Finland
How to Fit E-Commerce to Mobile Screens?

2013, MarDrupalCamp London, London, the UK
Growing and Managing Drupal Organisations

2012, DecClick Here! Seminar, Helsinki, Finland
Company site - the most important media for companies?

2012, JunDrupalCamp Finland, Helsinki, Finland
Drupal vs. The Others

2012, MayDrupal Business Days, Vienna, Austria
Growing and Managing Drupal Organisations

2011, MayDrupal Business Days, Helsinki, Finland
Growing and Managing Drupal Organisations

2011, MayDrupalCamp Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden
Drupal vs. the Others

2010, MayDrupalCamp Finland, Helsinki, Finland
Growing and Managing Drupal Organisations

2009, MarNetwork Communications, Lahti, Finland
Many Faces of Web 2.0

2009, MarLuuri 2009, Helsinki, Finland
Web 2.0 Conquers Mobile

2008, NovFuture of Communication, Espoo, Finland
Immediacy vs. Depth

2008, NovProject Days, Espoo, Finland
Fightning against Stiffness with Openness

2005, Sep From Product Idea to Commercial Product, Espoo, Finland
Producing and Using Product Ideas

2005, Feb XML for Improving Information Management and Integration Efficiency, Helsinki, Finland
Producing White Label HTML and PDF with XML

2004, May ABC for Developing Network Services, Helsinki, Finland
Network Services Technology

2003, Mar Quality in Software Engineering, Helsinki, Finland
Design and Quality Control Processes

2003, Jan Enter 2003, Helsinki, Finland
What is MMS?

2003, Jan TecIT Forum 2003, Helsinki, Finland
Implementing and Managing Multiformat Mobile Services

2002, Nov MMS Multimedia Messages and Services, Helsinki, Finland
What is MMS? The Big Picture, Possibilities and Current State of the MMS Concept

2002, Oct From Product Idea to Commercial Product, Espoo, Finland
Productisation and Commercialisation Processes

2002, Sep Quality in Software Engineering, Helsinki, Finland
Design and Quality Control Processes

2002, Mar JavaOne 2002, San Francisco, USA
Efficient HTML Manipulation for Accelerating Mobile Browsing (BOF-1518)

2002, Feb Java - J2EE - J2ME, Helsinki, Finland
Java and XML

2002, Jan TecIT Forum, Helsinki, Finland
Creating Mobile Services with Java

2001, Dec Web Service Architecture, Helsinki, Finland
Multichannel Web Services Anywhere, Any Time

2001, Nov JavaOne 2001 Japan, Yokohama, Japan
Creating Mobile Services Using Java Programming Language, XML and HTTP

2001, Nov Wireless Developer Conference 2001, Helsinki, Finland
Examining Internet Applications Operability in GPRS Networks

2001, Sep Sytyke, Helsinki, Finland
Creating Mobile Services

2001, July Java Technology Forum, Espoo, Finland
The Creation of WWW and WAP Content with Java Technology

2001, June JavaOne 2001, San Francisco, USA
Creating Mobile Services Using Java Programming Language, XML and HTTP (TS-1404)
Tackling WAP Incompatibilites with Java Technology and XML (BOF-1405)

2001, May Etelä-Savo IT Cluster, Savonlinna, Finland
Software Product for Global Distribution -- Requirements and Prospects

2001, Feb M-Commerceworld, London, the UK
Enabling the Creation of Mobile Services

2000, Dec XML in New Services, Helsinki, Finland
XML Based Mobile Applications

2000, Oct Service Management in IP Networks, Helsinki, Finland
Using XML in Service Management

2000, Sep Mobile Commerce World 2000, London, the UK
Enhancing Mobile Usability with Deep Multichannel Publishing

2000, May XML2000 Scandinavia, Gothenburg, Sweden
Efficient Publishing of Dynamic Content with Java and XML

2000, Apr Mobile Communications 2000 Expo, Helsinki, Finland
Multichannel Solutions for Mobile Devices

1999, Apr Networking Java, Espoo, Finland
Dynamic Content Production with Java